
How to Treat Cholesterol Naturally - Ayurveda for Cholesterol

How to Treat Cholesterol Naturally - Ayurveda for Cholesterol

Since you are reading this, we assume you are looking for details about cholesterol and how to cure or control it naturally.

Introduction to Cholesterol

The good news is that with the right treatment and proper lifestyle, it can be controlled, and we can help you do it. The bad news is that we cannot cure cholesterol disorder completely, however, we can surely help you manage it with Ayurveda.

And if you’re someone with no cholesterol concerns, it’s great to see that you’re proactively learning about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

So let us move on and talk about the things that we are going to learn in this blog. We will be talking about:

  1. What Cholesterol is
  2. How cholesterol impacts our health
  3. How to treat cholesterol naturally
  4. What to eat when you have cholesterol
  5. And finally, we can discuss selecting the best Ayurvedic medicines and supplements for cholesterol.

What is Cholesterol

People often think of cholesterol as a villain. It got a bad rep due to various diseases related to excess cholesterol. The reality is that cholesterol is an essential organic compound in our body. 

It is a type of lipid to be more specific. Lipids are water-insoluble, waxy, fat-like compounds, present inside our body and various food items. Cholesterol, triglycerides, and phospholipids are a few examples of lipids. But please don't confuse fat with cholesterol. Though cholesterol is waxy and fat-like, it is entirely different from fat stored inside our body.

Our liver makes most of the cholesterol we use. But, our cells can also create cholesterol, and we can also get it from dietary sources.

We have often heard of Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDL) and High-Density Lipoproteins (HDL). We call them bad cholesterol and good cholesterol respectively. 

But truth be told, LDL and HDL are not types of cholesterol. Rather they are carriers of cholesterol made up of lipoproteins. LDL carries cholesterol from the liver to other organs and cells through blood and HDL collects excess cholesterol and brings it back into the liver. 

When there is an excess of LDL and not enough HDL to complement it, cholesterol levels rise in the blood and create complications.

To understand how to deal with cholesterol naturally, we must first understand the functions of cholesterol, and when and how it becomes a nuisance to us.

Functions of Cholesterol

Cholesterol may have a bad name as the major contributor to heart disease, but they have important functions as well. Let us discuss some of the major functions of cholesterol.

  1. Structural components of cell membranes: 

    Cholesterol is an important part of cell membranes. So without cholesterol, we can say goodbye to the protectors of our very own cells.

    Cholesterol plays a crucial role in preserving the integrity and flexibility of cell membranes. It also stabilizes the cell membrane by preventing it from becoming too rigid or too fluid, which helps cells maintain their shape and functionality.

  2. Precursor for Hormone Synthesis: 

    Cholesterol plays an important role in the synthesis of various hormones. 

    Reproductive hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone have cholesterol as their building blocks. 

    The corticosteroids like cortisol, aldosterone, etc, which are responsible for stress and metabolism control, also have cholesterol as their starting point.

  3. Production of Vitamin D: 

    We all know sun exposure is important for vitamin D production. But not many have realized that it is cholesterol (7-dehydrocholesterol, a form of cholesterol found in the skin to be more specific) that is converted to vitamin D when exposed to UV radiation.

    Vitamin D is vital for calcium absorption, immune function, and bone health.

  4. Formation of Bile Acids: 

    Bile acids are secretions from the liver, stored in the gallbladder, to aid in the process of digestion. Cholesterol is a basic building block of bile acids.

    Once chyme, the semi-digested food mixed with gastric juices from the stomach enters the small intestine, the gallbladder releases bile acids to the intestine. Bile acids help in the absorption of fat and fat-soluble vitamins from the food. Extra Note: Bile acids, while being acids, have a pH higher than 7. They help neutralize the highly acidic chyme from the stomach. 

  5. Insulating Nerve Cells: 

    The myelin sheath is a protective, insulating layer that surrounds our nerve cells (neurons) in the nervous system. It plays a critical role in ensuring that electrical signals are transmitted quickly and efficiently along the nerve fibers.

    Cholesterol is a key element of the myelin sheath. This insulation is crucial for the rapid transmission of nerve signals, ensuring that communication between the brain and different parts of the body is efficient.


Now we know the important functions of cholesterol. It is essential for maintaining healthy cells, producing vital hormones, aiding digestion, synthesizing vitamin D, and protecting nerve cells. While it has a critical role in the body, keeping cholesterol levels balanced is key to maintaining cardiovascular health and preventing cholesterol-related diseases.


Impact of Cholesterol

Here at Ayurprabhava, we have a saying, The greatest of the creations is sometimes what causes the devil to rise in us. This saying can relate very much to compounds like cholesterol, insulin, cortisol, glucose, etc. The compounds that help us survive, but in excess quantities, create a lot of problems for our health.

A healthy life is all about a delicate balance. So when we have excess vital compounds like cholesterol, it becomes a problem.

When there is excess cholesterol in the blood or an imbalance in HDL and LDL cholesterol levels, it creates conditions like hyperlipidemia or hypercholesterolemia where there is excess cholesterol and other lipids inside the blood. Let us further understand what complications may arise due to these lipid disorders.

  1. Atherosclerosis: 

    Atherosclerosis is a disease characterized by plaque buildup in the arterial walls, narrowing the arteries and reducing blood flow. We all know that arteries are blood vessels carrying oxygenated blood away from the heart to cells and tissues.

    Plaque formation refers to the accumulation of cholesterol, fat deposits, calcium, and other cellular waste products on the walls of blood vessels. 

    When the arteries are filled with plaque, the blood vessels lose their natural flexibility, stiffen, and become narrow, thus making it hard for the blood to flow.

    Depending on where atherosclerosis develops, it can have varying impacts on our health and well-being. It can result in the development of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD), aneurysms, heart attack, kidney failure, and stroke.

  2. Peripheral Artery Disease: 

    Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a disease normally caused by atherosclerosis, about which we just discussed. PAD is caused when atherosclerosis affects arteries in the legs and arms.

    The reduced blood flow and oxygen supply to these areas results in pain or cramping in the legs during physical activity, wounds that do not heal, or in severe cases, even gangrene, a condition resulting in the death of tissues.

  3. Coronary Artery Disease: 

    Coronary artery disease (CAD) is another disease caused by atherosclerosis. It impacts the coronary arteries, which deliver blood enriched with oxygen to the heart muscles.

    Coronary artery disease is like a lethal python that hides in camouflage until the moment it strikes. 

    Basically, it is a silent killer that does not have obvious symptoms. One could have CAD for years and may not know it until it strikes in the form of a heart attack or stroke.

    [Extra Note: Coronary heart disease (CHD) and ischemic heart disease are other names for CAD. When people say heart disease, most of the time they mean CAD]

  4. Hypertension: 

    Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure can also affect us because of atherosclerosis.

    The narrowing of the blood vessels forces our heart to work hard to pump blood. The loss of flexibility of the blood vessels also adds to the strain on the heart. This causes hypertension. 

    When high cholesterol and hypertension are present together, the risk of developing serious cardiovascular complications like heart attacks, stroke, PAD, and heart failure increases significantly.

  5. Gallstones: 

    High levels of cholesterol not only cause cardiovascular diseases. It also results in the formation of gallstones.

    We have already discussed the gallbladder and how it releases bile acids to the intestines.

    But when there is too much cholesterol from the liver compared to bile salts, it can lead to crystallization and formation of gallstones. 

    Gallstones can obstruct the gallbladder and cause severe abdominal pain, inflammation of the gallbladder, jaundice, pancreatitis, and bowel obstruction, and can increase the risk of gallbladder cancer.

  6. Cholesterol Embolization Syndrome: 

    Cholesterol Embolization Syndrome occurs when cholesterol crystals break off from atherosclerotic plaques and travel to small blood vessels. This journey of plaques can potentially block blood flow and may result in stroke, kidney dysfunction, and gastrointestinal issues depending on where the crystals end up.

What causes Cholesterol-related diseases?

What causes cholesterol is a question that has multiple answers. Lifestyle, genetics, other diseases, and their medications can all contribute to causing cholesterol disorders. Let us look into it.

  • Lifestyle
  • Lifestyle is the leading cause of lipid disorders. Eating too much-saturated fat, not having enough exercise, smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and stress can increase your risk of high cholesterol.

  • Health conditions
  • Our health conditions can cause chain reactions inside our bodies. Type 2 diabetes, liver and kidney diseases, obesity, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc. can all increase the risk of having lipid disorders.

    Inflammation and oxidative stress are other important triggers that can cause all kinds of problems inside our body, including lipid disorders.

  • Family history
  • High cholesterol can run in families. An Inherited condition like familial hypercholesterolemia is a great example. 

    It is a genetic condition that causes very high levels of LDL cholesterol and can lead to cardiovascular diseases at a young age.

  • Growth hormone deficiency
  • Most of us, have not heard about growth hormone deficiency. It really is a rare condition, but it can raise cholesterol and triglyceride levels. When triglyceride levels are high, it also increases the risk of developing other lipid disorders and cardiovascular diseases.


    Some of the factors that we just listed are not always in our control. But we can certainly control our lifestyle. Lifestyle is the major contributor to lipid disorders.

    A healthy diet, proper exercise, and the right treatment can make all the difference. We can even prevent lipid disorders from occurring by taking care of ourselves in the first place.

    How to Treat Cholesterol Naturally - The Ayurvedic Approach

    Now we know what cholesterol is, what impact it has on our health and wellness, and also its causes. 

    Cholesterol disorders, like hypercholesterolemia, dyslipidemia, and other lipid disorders are chronic conditions. When we say a disease is chronic, it means that the disease does not have a fixed cure. 

    But, with good lifestyle changes and treatments, we can control these diseases. 

    So, how to treat cholesterol naturally? The most simple and direct answer would be - Ayurveda.

    At Ayurprabhava, we love Ayurveda, because it provides us with a holistic approach towards health problems. Ayurveda is not just about treating symptoms with powerful chemicals and creating a lot of side effects in doing so. It rather provides natural, mild, and healthy alternatives towards wellness. 

    The ayurvedic approach, to prevent and treat cholesterol naturally, includes lifestyle changes, a healthy diet, and herbal medicines and supplements.

    Let us see what can be done in each of these points to understand how to treat cholesterol naturally.

    Lifestyle Changes

    We can do a lot with simple lifestyle changes. Good lifestyle changes can not only benefit cholesterol but also many chronic lifestyle diseases, like diabetes and hypertension. So let us see what we can do to reduce cholesterol disorders.

    • Regular Physical Exercise

    People always say exercise helps with every disease, but how does it do it? We are here to find out. 

    Regular exercise can improve the size and efficiency of HDL particles, improve lipid metabolism, and reduce inflammation.

    Be it walking, cycling, swimming, or a bit more vigorous activities like running, aerobics, strength training, etc., it's all good for health. So start doing exercise and watch your cholesterol levels go down.

    • Maintain Healthy Weight

    Cholesterol loves people with excess weight. So try to lose weight. It is better to focus on gradual weight loss through a balanced diet and regular physical activity. Losing weight can also help lower inflammation which is another factor that can increase cholesterol levels.

    • Quit Smoking:

    Chemicals from smoking can increase the rate of plaque formation inside blood vessels, contribute to oxidative stress, lower HDL levels, and contribute to atherosclerosis. One should stop smoking if one plans to improve HDL (good cholesterol) levels and overall cardiovascular health. 

    Quitting smoking can also improve blood circulation and lung functions and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

    • Avoid Alcohol: 

    Moderate alcohol consumption is shown to improve HDL cholesterol. But it is never moderate when it comes to alcohol. 

    So it is best to avoid alcohol completely. It can raise triglyceride levels and contribute to other health problems. 

    • Manage Stress:

    Managing stress can itself be stressful. Our current social structure and lifestyle itself is stress-inducing. Cortisol hormones created as a result of the stress response mechanism can cause inflammation and impact cholesterol levels indirectly. 

    Always practice mindfulness. Indulge in yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises. Try to avoid stressful situations, relationships, and jobs that only give you stress. Spend time with your loved ones, find hobbies that make you happy, and spend time with nature. Using herbal supplements like Ashwagandha can also help with stress.

    To heal physically, the journey must start from the inside.

    Healthy Eating Habits

    The food that we eat shapes us. If we do not eat healthy, we will not be healthy. In Ayurveda, to manage cholesterol levels, one must have a healthy diet. Let us now discover what we should eat and what we should not to control cholesterol.

    What to Eat When you have Cholesterol

    • Include unsaturated fats: 

    Fats are categorized into two types: saturated and unsaturated. They differ in chemical structure. An easy way to identify them is through their physical state. Saturated fats are generally solid at room temperature and unsaturated fats tend to be more fluid.

    Incorporate more unsaturated fat in your diet. This includes olive oil, avocados, nuts, walnuts, flaxseeds, and fatty fish like salmon and mackerel.

    • Eat Omega-3 Fatty Acids

    Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce triglyceride levels and promote heart health. Including it in our diet can have a profound effect on cholesterol levels.

    Fatty fishes, flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, and fish oil supplements contain Omega-3 fatty acids.

    • Increase Fiber Intake

    Fiber seems to be an answer to many health problems. It is no different when it comes to cholesterol.

    Soluble fiber becomes jelly inside our intestines. It can bind with cholesterol and prevent its absorption.

    Foods rich in soluble fiber, like oat bran, barley, beans, lentils, peas, apples, oranges, and pears helps to remove excess cholesterol.

    • Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables:

    Fruits and vegetables of different colors and compositions can help balance our diet and introduce a lot of essential vitamins and rare minerals. Make sure you choose fruits and vegetables rich in fiber and antioxidants. Antioxidants can reduce oxidative stress, which is another trigger for lipid disorders.

    • Use Herbs and Spices

    We all love herbs and spices and they make our dishes delicious. Herbs and spices like garlic, turmeric, and ginger can help reduce inflammation and support overall heart health. They also have potent antioxidants and important bioactive compounds inside them.


    What to avoid 

    • Saturated fats: 

    We have already discussed what saturated and unsaturated fat is. Saturated fat can contribute to an increase in LDL cholesterol levels, atherosclerosis, and hypercholesterolemia. Red meat, cheese, butter, processed meats, packed snacks, etc. have a high dose of saturated fats. 

    • Sugar and Refined Carbs:

    Sugar is bad and we all know that. It is the leading cause of diabetes. But it can also increase triglycerides, which in turn increases the risk of developing other cholesterol-related conditions like atherosclerosis and hypercholesterolemia.

    How to select the best Ayurvedic medicines and supplements for Cholesterol

    We are not saying that you can self-treat if you have dangerous levels of cholesterol. Always consult a doctor before self-medicating. But we can help you identify the best medicines and natural supplements to control cholesterol. Also, we can share what to look for to find the best ayurvedic supplements to prevent cholesterol-related diseases and control cholesterol levels.

    We understand lifestyle changes and good food habits can make a big difference. But those with little control over their lives - due to busy schedules and hectic work - might find it hard to implement a healthy lifestyle. And then, there are people out there for whom lifestyle and diet alone are not enough.

    The best ayurvedic medicines and supplements for cholesterol are now easily available in the market. E-commerce websites are also full of such medicines and supplements. But how to choose the correct one for your health?

    One way to easily identify if something can treat cholesterol is by looking at its ingredients. Let us list 5 natural ingredients for cholesterol. These ingredients are ayurvedic herbs that can treat cholesterol naturally.

    5 Natural Ingredients for Cholesterol
  • Neem
  • Need contains bioactive compounds like azadirachtin, nimbin, flavonoids, and glycosides. They can lower LDL and triglyceride levels in the blood. It can also enhance the liver functions and boost the liver's ability to metabolize fats, and thus reducing the accumulation of bad cholesterol.

  • Palash
  • Palash contains bioactive compounds like butrin, isobutrin, flavonoids, and tannins. Like neem, they can also decrease lipid levels, enhance fat metabolism, and reduce fat absorption in the intestines.

  • Arjuna tree
  • Arjuna tree bark is rich in bioactive compounds like arjunic acid, arjunolic acid, flavonoids, tannins, glycosides, and saponins. It can reduce LDL oxidation rates, which is a major contributing factor for atherosclerosis. It can also lower cholesterol absorption in the gut and increase HDL levels.

  • Puncture vine
  • Puncture Vine is rich in saponins, which have cholesterol-binding properties when inside the digestive system. This can lead to reduced LDL levels and total cholesterol. It can also reduce oxidative stress and prevent LDL cholesterol from oxidizing, which is a key contributor to plaque buildup in arteries.

  • Turmeric
  • Turmeric is a unique source of a potent bioactive compound called curcumin. It can reduce LDL and increase HDL levels by enhancing the liver’s ability to process fats. Additionally, it has anti-inflammatory properties. It can reduce arterial inflammation and prevent the hardening and narrowing of arteries caused by cholesterol buildup.


    We just learned that cholesterol is an essential component inside our body that has vital functions, like cell membrane building, acting as a precursor for various important hormones and compounds that our body requires.

    But, like anything, too much cholesterol is also problematic. We now know an excess of cholesterol inside the blood can contribute to cardiovascular diseases and other health complications. 

    But even against chronic conditions like lipid disorders, there is always hope for those who are willing to fight it. We can control or even prevent diseases before their onset with the right treatment plans, lifestyle changes, and a healthy diet.

    At last, we learned about ayurvedic herbs that can work against cholesterol.

    Neem, palash, arjuna, puncture vine, and Turmeric all have powerful and effective bioactive compounds to help manage cholesterol. They work by:

    1. Reducing LDL cholesterol
    2. Enhancing liver function
    3. Providing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. 

    These natural ayurvedic ingredients can also work in synergy to offer holistic support in keeping cholesterol levels under control. There are ayurvedic drugs like Ayurprabhava Herbolip with most of these ingredients and more. 

    But always remember, no medicine, alone, against cholesterol can fully control the onset of diseases and deterioration of health. It is important to use them alongside a healthy diet and lifestyle for the best results.

    Visit our site and check out Ayurprabhava Herbolip, an Ayurvedic drug approved by the Kerala Drug Control Board for managing cholesterol.

    Visit our site and checkout Ayurprabhava Herbolip, an ayurvedic drug approved by Kerala Drug Control Board for managing cholesterol.

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